This Blog is made for the entertainment of me and its viewers. Nothing personal is intended in anyway. It's just for fun. It's well quirky. It's Perry.
Do we turn off the lights when we sleep because... We cannot sleep with the lights on? OR We don't need the lights when we sleep?
I like thinking. Analysing the simplest of things. Wondering why everything works.
DYD is coming to an end. Rehearsal was on Sat. Tiring experience. Met lots of people. I will try remember their names cause im bad at names and i should practise.
1. Lizzi 2. Paul 3. Raymond 4. Tina 5. Kim 6. SHIT!
I should really practise more.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 9:12 AM
I have been thinking. Thinking a lot, and i have realised quite a few things in the process. It's amazing how simple act of thinking can lead to the most complex of thoughts.
I watched the movie UP. Wonderful movie. Typical Disney kind of movie. Great story and a beautiful ending. However, i realised something during the course of the movie. The bad guy always dies in Disney movie. DIES. Always killed. Isn't that a little violent for a film meant for children? This lead to further thoughts and i realised how violent children nursery rhymes are. For example, humpty dumpty. This fellow fell from a wall and broke into 1000 pieces! Sounds like SAW to me. So why are nursery rhymes so violent? Aren't we supposed to protect our children? THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
Then i got it. Actually i got it while watching an episode of Criminal Minds with the same theme. Children know that there are bad people out there. We don't have to lie to them. They know. There are kids but there aren't stupid. Our job is to assure them that these bad people can be killed. That the horrors of the world can and will always be destroyed. Our job is to keep them optimistic.
"Children know that dragons exist. We just got to tell them the knight is coming."
Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 5:57 PM
Mr/Ms Right Someday
In life, timing counts especially when concerning love. You may have found your Mr/Ms. Right. He/She is everything you have ever wanted in a partner. You think he/she may be your soul mate. Yet, there is still something stopping you.It could be something concrete like physical separation or even something else like emotional readiness or obligations. Basically, the only difference between Mr/Ms. Right and Mr/Ms. Right Someday is timing. Timing counts and it counts for everything. Bad timing is all you need to ruin everything. It is a horrible fact of life but don’t dwell on it. Live in the moment. Hold on to the fact that all that was wrong was timing and that timing can change. In the mean time, continue to live your life happily. Have faith and the future will take care of itself.
PS Im very lazy. This is JUST an assignment.
9:17 AM
Happy Bday to me
Thank You Everyone.
To Family. Thank you for your love. Your simple acts mean alot to me.
To DMC 03. Thank you for celebrating my bday even though i wasnt really enthusiastic. Im grateful.
To Angelica, Chelsea, Deirdre and Martina Thank you for calling. It was very sweet of you guys although i mostly just heard screaming. Really sorry for sounding so emotionless. I was just confused.
To Everyone Else who wished me. Thank you. Your simple words mean alot to me.
Saturday, July 11, 2009, 8:42 AM
Practise makes Perry Perfect.
I'm serious this time. No more excuses. It's now or never. I'm breaking up with you.
Yes everyone. Perry has decided to start blogging again.
What has caused Perry to have this sudden epiphany? Well, Perry is tired. Perry is tired of getting Bs in his media writing module. Perry has decided to take action. Perry needs to pee.
.... Waiting....
Perry went to the toilet. Where was Perry? Perry remembered. Perry is going to practise his writing. Perry has decided to blog. Perry has decided to blog REGULARLY. Perry loves writing in a third person perpestive. Perry loves annoying people. hehe.
I, aka Perry, is going to use what i have learnt in my class to deliever something special to you. Insight into the life of Mr Perry Felix Shen. The emotionless, heartless and pretty man. A sneak peek into my life and how I view the world.
Stay tuned.
A quote from a fruit i met today, "I can't communicate with emotionless people like this." -Refering to me-
Monday, June 22, 2009, 3:52 AM
Monday, June 08, 2009, 11:22 PM
Post Camp Syndrome
Hoildays have started! After a stressful and sleepless first term, I think i deserve a break. No more 3am nights. With exception to some things and for that sleep can wait.
Well, i started off my holiday by going to Comfirmation Camp 09. I have to say that this year's batch is quite "lively". Different i would say but awesome nonetheless. They responded much better to P&W compared to the previous years' including mine. The scene was amazing. Almost everyone was singing and raising their hands. I believe that is a first for a confirmation camp.
I met quite a few people and got to know some a bit better during this camp even though I was not facil. Believe it or not, I'm missing camp already. Yes I'm missing the hardwood floor, the cold cold hall, the late nights and the great company.
PS I will never forget Angelica's face when Charles and I walked towards her with the dustbin of water. Epic Scene.
Name's Perry Felix Shen.
Religion's Catholic.
I am well quirky and proud enough about being quirky to have a blog themed after it.
Totally into most art forms. theatre. movies. comedy.
In SP Media & Com 03!
Comments on almost everything. Jokingly of course. Please don't take them seriously, seriously.
Has Rossy Cheeks! Does Not Use Blushers!
Has horrible spelling too!